Wow I can't believe it's April and the month is almost over.
Life in our home is hectic to say the least. I don't know why I can't get more done. A friend told me this week that my expatiation's are too high. Is that possible? I beat myself up for not getting enough done in a day and for what everyone else seems to be able to accomplish in a day that I can't. Is that a part of being a parent or is it just me. I feel like everyone else is able to accomplish so much more than me. And I'll say it, life seems much more challenging now than it did when we brought Jana home 9months ago, could that be possible?
I have a friend who has 4 children and always seems to have it together. I know she has her challenges and struggles but to look at her, she's just a pro, I wish often I had what she does. Maybe that's my problem, I often want to be someone else, always comparing myself to those I feel are "doing it better". I often wonder what people think of me once I leave a room, store, etc. I'm not trying to please them but do they think WOW she's a mess.
Although I struggle with my self and beat myself up I do try my best and I love my kids, all 4 of them. I wouldn't change a thing either. Although I'm not living up to my own standards I am always trying and I have a great amount of love to give, which I do to those who allow me to.
Moving on to more positive things:
Kai has a concert tonight at school. He is so excited he has been talking about it for 2 months now and he just told me he has a solo of sorts. He didn't give any details just said I'll have to wait until tonight. We are so excited to see him & his classmates. I feel blessed to have some family members who are making it a point to be there tonight. Most of my family lives about an hour away so for them to rush here to see Kai just makes him feel like a superstar.
On Friday we will be finalizing Jana's adoption. I can't believe we are about to close this chapter of our lives. It does make me a little sad but when I look around me and see all that God has blessed us with I can't even explain the overwhelming feeling of joy and love I have.
Well I'm off there is always so much to do and so little time but I have a private tea party with a little someone that is about to start. :0)