Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Nothing Special

Can't believe it's 2:26 in the afternoon and I have a few minutes to myself. Kai & Karley just laid down for a nap, Julian is reading and Jana should be up any minute from her nap so I thought I'd do a quick visit.

Jana is home 6 weeks today. Really where does time go? Finally her 1st 2 lower font teeth broke the skin on Saturday which was her 13month birthday. They still are not completely thru and she is really having quite a hard time with it. She has been pulling her hair, jamming her fingers in her ears and been just plain upset all the time. I took her to the doctor to be sure she didn't have the ear infection Karley & I had but they said she looked good. I feel so helpless and bad for her. My heart aces when I can't fix it for them :(

Julian & Kai have grown up so much this last year. I was just looking at pictures even from Christmas til now and I can't believe how different they both look, mature. It actually makes me sad, time is going just way too quickly. In a few short day's (12) summer break will be over and they will be returning to school. I just can't stand the thought of it. And my baby Kai will be gone all day now that he's starting 1st grade, what will I do. (Ok I do know what I'm going to do I'm just saying I'll miss him~ ALOT).

Julian is starting 4th grade- WHAT I think, how is that possible? We just brought him home yesterday- right!? He is looking forward to being back with his friends and in school learning. I'm really lucky there, he loves school. He is truly special... Well ok they all of them are truly special, really they are You have no idea yet but wait and see.

Karley is dying to go to school. There is daycare behind our house and she'll look out my bedroom window and say please mommy I want to play with the kids. When we bought the boys their school supplies she wanted to get hers too. What do i do? I'm not ready for her to start pre-school but she definitely is. She is such an independent spirit, so ready to set out on her own & explore. Sometimes I so wish I had contact with their birth families so they knew what amazing children they blessed me with.

Karley really cracks me up... Today I hear her say "Oh no you didn't" "Kai you better open up this door & let me in". Then a few minutes later she's singing to the boys "Don't push me cause I'm close to the edge" I just have to laugh so hard at her. She doesn't miss a single thing. Which presents me with another problem... The boys are watching age appropriate shows but then they repeat things they hear and Karley doesn't miss a single work of it and repeats it some other time but always in the right context. How is that possible that a 2 1/2 yr old gets it??

Ok now on to those Tadpoles of ours... What am I going to do with 44 + or - tadpoles? Our zoo is overflowing We already have 2 frogs that's how we have so many tadpoles so what now. I have 1 home for 2 of them but no one else wants them. The boys already talked me into keeping 4 so what do I do with the rest?? Praying some kind families decide to take some I just have no room for that many- REALLY we don't have the room. If your reading this and want some they are easy to take care of just check out http://www.growafrog.com/ and see how easy to care for they are. I'll be happy to send you some just let me know- Did I say free yes they are free to a good home as long as your not planning on feeding them to another pet. It really is cool to watch them grow into frogs.

Ok one last thing for now. Someone from Seoul has been logging on and reading my blog. I'm really curious who you are. I'd love for you to contact me. You can email me at korea.again@yahoo.com if you'd like.

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